HolyCoast: Obama to Campaign for Fiorina and Whitman in Los Angeles Today
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Obama to Campaign for Fiorina and Whitman in Los Angeles Today

(NOTE:  I'm rerunning this one from the other day.)

"WHAT!!" you say?  Obama campaigning for Republicans?

Well, the last time Obama came to Los Angeles he probably cost the Democrats thousands of votes when he tied up traffic on the West Side of LA during the absolute worst part of the day.  Some people were stuck in jams for several hours.  One woman took 2 hours to go one mile and pedestrians had to detour dozens of blocks just to cross the street.

If he doesn't take a helicopter from LAX to USC on Friday morning, this trip will probably lose the Dems more votes than it will gain:
President Barack Obama will visit Los Angeles Oct. 22 to campaign with Sen. Barbara Boxer, it was announced Monday.

``It's terrific that President Obama will be coming to California to campaign with us as we enter the home stretch,'' Boxer's campaign manager Rose Kapolczynski said today in announcing the visit.

This will be Obama's fifth trip to the Southland since taking office. His most recent visit, Aug. 16-17, caused traffic jams in the West Los Angeles area.
And why would the president need to come to Los Angeles to campaign for a liberal Democrat? Because she's in trouble, as is the entire Dem ticket nationwide. The fact that Boxer needs this desperate visit says as much about this election as anything.

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