Today started out as yesterday did, with me sitting out on the balcony before sunrise blogging and reading. It's a very nice time to be out there, and I watched three cargo barges make their way into port right around sunrise. A light rain was falling, and continued all through breakfast.
Before talking about today, I should mention something that happened at dinner last night. We had dinner with another agent and his wife at Duke's, a very nice place right here at the resort. There were three strolling musicians who went from table to table singing, and when they got to us, we asked for a traditional Hawaiian song. The lead singer proceeded to give us a history lesson about Hawaii from a very militant view. She was none too happy that the Americans overthrew the Hawaiian queen and annexed the island nation. She wasn't mad at us, but she really wanted us to know what a tragedy the whole thing was.
This morning we decided to head to the north side of the island and visit the Princeville Hotel, the swankiest joint on the island. We had seen it featured on the Travel Channel and wanted to check it out for ourselves. It's a nice drive up there, though traffic can be as bad as anything in L.A. The main highway is only 2 lanes most of the time, so it can really slow down.
Here we are in the lobby of the Princeville:

Wouldn't you know it, the day I wear a sloppy t-shirt is the day everyone wants to take our pictures.
The living room/bar area of the lobby has an outdoor deck that overlooks Hannalei Bay, and has this view of the famous Bali Hai:

As you can see, it was overcast and drizzly up there. We haven't seen much sun all trip.
We swung down into the town of Hannalei Bay for a quick lunch and some shopping (kind of disappointing). After that, it was 30 miles back to Lihue with a stop at a small Kauai products fair in Kapa'a.

We're back at the resort now getting ready for dinner with everybody from the agency. We actually get glimpses of blue sky every now and then, but I think it's just teasing us. There are still a lot of gray clouds overhead.
I was reading an article about the problems they're having in India trying to kill all the domestic chickens in certain areas due to bird flu. Let me tell you, if that virus ever makes it to Kauai, they're going to have real problems because wild chickens are everywhere. You see them constantly, and we even have them roaming through the resort.

We did make one other stop today and picked up some wonderful Hawaiian music with terrific harmony which we'll be playing in the Jeep the rest of the week. Even if we never see the sun, at least we'll have the Hawaiian musical atmosphere to serenade our windshield wipers.
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