I'm an early riser - usually the first one up in my house on the weekends and holidays. That's when I get a lot of blogging done.
It's no different here in Kauai. As I write this it's just a little after 6am (the posting time says it's after 8, but I didn't change the laptop's clock). It's still dark out and I'm sitting out on the balcony listening to the surf pound on the beach below. I came out here so I wouldn't wake the still sleeping Mrs.
The moa (chickens) are starting to crow, and it's very, very peaceful. It's also very, very damp. The temperature is in the high 60's, and the humidity must be close to 100%. I've been out here since about 5:30 writing by the light of the laptop screen. It's a good thing I'm a pretty good touch typist, because I can't see the keyboard hardly at all.
I just watched the lights of an inbound jetliner break through the overcast as he approached the Lihue airport. The approach brings them right toward the hotel, and then they bank off to my left to land. There must be a pretty low cloud deck, because he didn't pop out until shortly before the turn.
The sun should be joining us in a little while. Meanwhile, most of the hotel continues to sleep. It's a nice time of day.
UPDATE: It's about 7:15 am and I've watched the sun come up through the mist, and as I looked up from the keyboard, I saw a huge cruise ship pulling into Nawiliwili harbor right by the hotel. Kinda cool.

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