HolyCoast: Stopping Terrorism With Art Therapy
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stopping Terrorism With Art Therapy

Let's see how well it's worked:
Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the Northwest bombing in a Monday statement that vowed more attacks on Americans.

American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.

Guantanamo prisoner #333, Muhamad Attik al-Harbi, and prisoner #372, Said Ali Shari, were sent to Saudi Arabia on Nov. 9, 2007, according to the Defense Department log of detainees who were released from American custody. Al-Harbi has since changed his name to Muhamad al-Awfi.

Both Saudi nationals have since emerged in leadership roles in Yemen, according to U.S. officials and the men's own statements on al Qaeda propaganda tapes.

Both of the former Guantanamo detainees are described as military commanders and appear on a January, 2009 video along with the man described as the top leader of al Qaeda in Yemen, Abu Basir Naser al-Wahishi, formerly Osama bin Laden's personal secretary.
And the administration still wants to close Gitmo and transfer a bunch of these guys to Illinois.

The terrorists are laughing at us.

1 comment:

LewArcher said...

Nov 2007?
So Bush released them??
And we see Rep King and Hokestra and Sen DeMint making jackasses of them selves as they try to blame this on Obama.

Go down that road and someone can ask
Tora Bora????