HolyCoast: The Racist Comment That Never Happened
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Racist Comment That Never Happened

The story the mainstream press ran with from yesterday's protests in Washington was that someone supposedly yelled the "n" word at Rep. John Lewis. Of course, that was used to paint the whole protest as just a bunch of racist rednecks.

Sadly for the press, it didn't happen. I've seen two videos of the "incident" and in neither one can an "n" word be heard. You can hear "kill the bill" and "no, no, no", and maybe if you combine the two and you're prone to think in those terms you can make something that sounds like the "n" word.

However, it didn't happen. Take a look at IMAO for more information.

Someone else supposedly called Barney Frank a "faggot". I have my doubts about that comment as well, however, truth is always a defense.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

I was right there too (your undocumented correspondent was). We couldn't see who was walking by because we were in the back, however certain figures got the crowd cheering (i.e. saying "kill the bill" in a rather jubilant way) and other figures were greeted with loud boos.

It's possible that individuals may have called the congressmen names. I can't attest that they did or didn't, but my theory is the congressmen were hearing the remnants of their own miserable consciences urging them back into humanity -- evidently without success.

These congressmen are going to vote to kill innocent babies. Some of the innocents slaughtered will be black, some will be "gay" (or would if they were ever allowed to live long enough).

They have no compunction about killing, but they are horrified that perhaps somebody in a large crowd called them a bad word. Not only are they scoundrels, they're a bunch of cry babies.

Had the "n" word been heard, my take is think back to its etymology, coming from Latin and meaning "black." Yes, "black, black! is the color of some of the soon to be slaughtered! Idiots."

The crowd was dignified in its expression of contempt. But imagine what Harriet Tubman would have done. She carried a gun with her railroad for the likes of them. To think that slaves like her risked everything to save lives and these miserable spinless cry babies use the dignity of their office to kill the most vulnerable beings.

The lefties are "anti-war." But at least Saddam's soldiers could fight back. The Taliban fight back. Poor infant with no one to defend you, with no mother to comfort your cry.